Campaign at universities, colleges and other education facilities in an exciting and hard hitting approach where consultation with the education bodies will not be asked to handout our guerrilla newspaper to students.
This isn’t a fact checking site per se, we don’t check facts we rather just highlight the FACT that you should take an interest in checking your own FACTS out. Fact checking websites may also hold bias and not be a true reflection of facts.
You have your own bias, challenge your own bias don’t be lazy by get someone else’s bias foist upon you. Facts can be spun to suit all and any agenda. Do your own research.
Don’t be afraid to air your views.
Your views may well be challenged but free speech will be lost if you don’t have an opinion and if you don’t let others know your opinion. Tolerance of other people’s views is part of the respect that you afford one another and t his gives you growth in knowledge, and a wider view point.
Discuss the differences, get out there and debate and take an interest in the world around you.